The Ithaca Police Department is investigating two reported incidents of “lewd acts” around the East Hill area that happened Thursday night.
Sign up for Chalkbeat New York’s free daily newsletter to keep up with NYC’s public schools.Months after schools Chancellor David Banks removed a controversial parent leader from a Manhattan education council, a federal judge this week ordered she be t…
Aug. 28 — Hate crimes have surged in New York state — up 69 percent since 2019. That’s the startling finding of a new report by state Comptroller Tom DiNapoli. The Democrat says there were nearly 1,100 instances in 2023, the highest number since data collection and annual reporting were mandated in 2000. DiNapoli warns…
Police found two victims who said they had been attacked physically by four people, who also “made derogatory comments about the victim’s ethnicity” during the assault.
New York State is developing a Master Plan for Aging. It will act as a framework to help older adults age in place while ensuring their quality of life remains high.
LANSING, N.Y. – Cargill Deicing Technology is scaling back operations at its Cayuga Salt Mine due to reduced demand for road salt following several mild winters in the Northeast. The company will eliminate one of its three shifts, leading to the layoff of 25 employees, which will bring the workforce at the Lansing facility…
SYRACUSE — Patrick Dai, a Cornell University student, is scheduled for sentencing Monday in Syracuse after pleading guilty to making antisemitic threats online last year. The case has highlighted concerns about Dai’s mental health, with both prosecutors and defense attorneys acknowledging his challenges, including a recent autism diagnosis. Dai, 21, admitted to posting the threats…
The Ithaca Common Council voted unanimously Wednesday to establish a new Deputy City Manager position. The role is designed to oversee the city’s reimagined public safety initiatives, such as creating an unarmed response unit, and to assist in managing the city’s encampment response protocol.